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Monday, November 21, 2016

Kraven (VLG 2) by Laurann Dohner

Kraven is the second instalment in Laurann Dohner’s VLG Series.  Its well worth the read and I would recommend it to anyone who loves their shifters, likens and vampire stories.  It’s a quick read and perfect for a sunny afternoon relaxing.

The story continues on from where book 1 started.  After surviving a plane crash together sisters Dusti and Batina find themselves in a completely different reality than they expected.  Neither had ever trusted their grandfather, but after having no other option the sisters decided to board the fated plane to visit him in the hope that he might have some sort of family loyalty and be able to help them financially.  As we learnt from book 1, this was not the case and that’s where the story really begins.

This time we learn more about Kraven and Batina and how important they are.  Kraven is a sexy  alpha who although being driven crazy by Batina will see no harm come to her.  He is fiercely protective but it’s one of the things you grow to love about him.  He demands respect and expects everyone to follow his orders.  That’s probably about the only thing I liked about Batina, that she had the guts to stand up to him.  Batina was hard to like, but at the same time hard to hate.  I think the author did a magnificent job in writing the character of Batina as she isn’t the usual heroine, you really have to work to see the qualities in her that Kraven see.

This book has all the usual fighting, love, hate and sexual scenes you crave in Laurann Dohner books. 

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