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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Release: PRIMAL INSTINCT by Tara Wyatt

Title: Primal Instinct
Author: Tara Wyatt
Series: Bodyguard, #2
On Sale: May 31, 2016


The first time he lays eyes on Taylor Ross in a bar, Colt Priestley does something few men would dare to do. He approaches the world-famous singer, shamelessly flirts with her, and gives her a night in his bed that neither of them will soon forget.

When Taylor's record label hires a bodyguard to keep tabs on the out-of-control rocker, she's less than thrilled to find it's her off-the-charts one-night stand who shows up for the job. She's terrified of letting herself fall for the damaged ex-Army Ranger, and she's determined to push him away. Yet every moment they're together simmers with tension. As the danger from an obsessed stalker mounts, Taylor and Colt are tempted to cross that line again-baring their hearts and souls as well as their bodies-and there's no telling how hot this song will get.



Necessary Risk, #1
Primal Instinct, #2
Chain Reaction, #3 (February 2017)


Tara Wyatt is a contemporary romance author who's been making up love stories ever since she fell head over heels for the Backstreet Boys almost twenty years ago. Winner of the Unpublished Winter Rose Award, Linda Howard Award of Excellence and the Heart of the West Award, Tara lives in Hamilton, Ontario with the cutest dog in the world and a husband that makes all of her heroes look like chumps.


From his little table in the corner, Ronnie adjusted his glasses as he watched Taylor walk out of the bar, her fingers laced with those of the brute whod intruded on them earlier. He finished the rest of his Coke and slammed the empty glass down. Possessive anger coupled with an almost blinding jealousy churned through him. Itd been hard to watch that interaction, and now she was leaving with him? Hed been much happier watching her while shed been alone, even if shed looked sad.
He knew he shouldnt have gone over and talked to her, but he couldnt help himself. Hed been warned, but no one knew what they were talking about. They didnt see. They couldnt see. He loved her, and she loved him. Soon, every- one would know, and everyone whod called him crazy and obsessed and delusional would fucking see.
Ever since hed first heard her sing, hed known he was listening to the future mother of his children.
He dropped a five on the table and pushed his way out of the bar, getting in his car just in time to follow Taylor. He had to. He couldnt let her go off alone with that brute, unprotected. And if she was going to betray him, he needed to know. He needed to see.
Because Taylor was his. Every part of her. Her gorgeous blond hair, those huge, blue eyes, the long, lean body. The incredible voice. The skilled hands. Her mind. Her soul. Her body.

She belonged to him.

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