Interview Question:
1. What is one of your favorite Myths/legends to write about?
It’s impossible to choose one myth or legend. There are so many and each one can be as powerful as a cresendo in a symphony and as memorable and impactful, too.
2. If you could live back in time, what time period would you choose and why?
If I could pick any time then I would be a time traveler. In that manner, I could visit all of the great time periods and experience their art and literature and culture.
3. Have you ever come across a song that might fit the theme of one of your books?
In book 1 of my SEAL series—A SEAL At HEART—I found myself playing BUSH-Out of this World and PLACEBO-Running Up This Hill. Both of those songs resonated in my heart and head, connecting me with my hero and his struggles. I still think of him and this story when I hear those lyrics.
4. Do you remember what you felt when you had your first kiss?
Absolutely! I remember my first kiss very clearly. I often relive that first kiss in my romantic stories. The uncertainty. The nervous excitement. And the thrill as lips touched mine for the first time.
5. What was the most creative pick up line you've ever used on someone or someone used on you?
The most creative pick-up line I ever heard was “Great argument!” A friend of mine was on vacation in Mexico with a bunch of her friends. They were debating evolution and she spoke a final zinger that left her friends in silence. The gentleman next to her said, “Great argument.” And then, he proceeded to explain why he agreed with her and how it was one of the most intelligent debates he’d ever heard. That gentlemen is married to my friend now; his willingness to put the logical mind first, before her smoking body, truly stole her heart.
6. When writing do you have a playlist of music you like to listen to? What are a couple songs on it?
I enjoy a variety of music. Among the ones on my current playlist are The Who, The Eagles, Journey, Sting, Elizaveta, Imogen Heap, Adele, Abba, Annie Lennox, Queen, Billy Joel, and many more.
7. What do you do when you think nobody is watching?
I meditate. One of my favorite activities is to hike. When I’m out on a long excursion, I like to stop and close my eyes. I soak in the environment and the sensations, such as the way fresh air fills my lungs with such clean richness; and I allow myself to commune with the world. These stolen moments and impromptu meditations lead to bursts of happiness and creativity, and often lead me down an enriching path or even point out something I need to see or learn.
8. What was your favorite childhood book?
I have many favorite childhood books. That’s like asking me what my favorite chocolate is.
9. What is your favorite addition to chocolate?
Nothing. I like it pure.
10. What does your husband/significant other say about your writing erotic stories? What about your family and/or do they read your books?
My husband is a big supporter of my writing. He encourages me each step of the way and often helps me brainstorm, too.
11. Besides your own, what is one of your favorite series to keep up with?
I like Anne Rice’s werewolf books. I’m reading her most recent one right now.
12. What do you think you would be doing if you weren't writing?
Cooking. I like to experiment with recipes.
13. Do you have any hobbies or activities you enjoy doing?
I hike, mountain bike, kayak, swim, chat with family and friends, read, and write. I also fly with my husband and have been known to go on a few daring adventures.
14. What is something you do to de-stress?
I laugh. Anything that gets me laughing alleviates stress. Right now, I’m collecting books and videos that bring humor into my life. It’s fun to share them, too.
15. We all know about muses...what do you think inspires you to allow your creative juices flowing?
My number one inspiration is my husband. He’s a retired Navy SEAL that is still giving back to the community in a variety of effective ways and he inspires me to give back to the world each day.
10 Fun Facts (things the fans don't know)
- I’m a serious geek that adores science fiction and romance.
- My stack of comics to-be-read is almost as high as my current fiction pile.
- I believe everyone can achieve their goals. It does take a serious dedication of time and a very determined mindset.
- I can actually be shy at times.
- I wish the USA had grown-up naptime just like several European countries. It’s brilliant!
- Forgiveness is worth embracing.
- I enjoy cartoons and animation.
- Biographies are another secret joy of mine.
- I’m more interested in hearing about how someone has bettered the world.
- I believe love and friendship are two of the greatest experiences on earth.
Thank you for inviting me to BBL. HOOYAH!

Anne Elizabeth is my FAV author. I can't wait to read her new stuff the minute it comes out. ONCE A SEAL kept me up all night blowing through it to get to the end. AWESOME. MORE PLEASE. I'm totally loving this new West Coast Navy SEAL series. I hope it continues on for many more books. Great job!!!