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Monday, August 26, 2013

Heaven and Hellsbane by Paige Cuccaro

Someone’s killing angels and turning the half human, half angel illorum warriors against their angelic supporters. If the supernatural baddy behind the attacks isn’t stopped soon, Heaven itself could fall victim. The Council of Seven has called in the best they’ve got to find the killers, and no one’s more surprised than Emma Jane Hellsbane when it’s her phone that rings.
But when her own angelic mentor—and off-limits hottie—Eli is targeted, Emma takes it personally. With Emma hot on the trail of the growing army of assassins, though, hackles start to raise around her. Everyone wants to know if she’s in it to protect all angels or just one in particular. The Council has their suspicions…and so does Emma’s boyfriend.
Now Emma isn’t just fighting off demons, rogue nephilim, and Fallen angels, but she’s defending her honor as well. The problem is even Emma Jane isn’t sure of her motives. One thing she does know: if she doesn’t figure out the killers’ identities soon, she may not live long enough to know what, or who, she really wants.
It’s all in a day’s work as Heaven’s ultimate bounty hunter.

There is a little bit of everything in this book… and enough of everything to keep any reader on the edge. I was hooked from page one, I wanted to know, no I needed to know what was going on in Emma’s head. Did she want Eli or did she want Dan? Was she willing to tempt an angel to fall?
There are so many things going on, but the plotline stays on target, the fight scenes are edge of your seat and you might just ponder the purpose of your existence, just kidding. Honestly, this series is enjoyable and I am just waiting for the next installment because I still need to know what Emma is going to do….

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