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Friday, July 31, 2015

4/5 Review: Dreamweaver Trail by Emily March

Emily March has once again perfectly balanced the romance and reality of small town living. The characters are appealing, complex, and fully engage our emotions from the very first page. I loved that that the conflict that could arise from a romantic relationship between 2 people who have faced a tragedy together.was handled with delicate respect and realism. The developing relationship between Evie and Taryn had just as much emotional impact as the relationship between Evie and Brodie.

I was also very touched by the emotional angst of the Flynn who believed that trouble followed him in all his relationships. His persecution by the press and his father was insightful and moving and the resolution illuminating! It was great to see the residents of Eternity Springs accepted him. I really can't say enough about Emily and her gift for intricately involving her readers in the lives of her characters. From the moment you start the first chapter you feel time slowing, the mountain air filling your lungs with a fresh sense of purpose, neighbors caring for neighbors, and love blossoming before your eyes. By the time you reverently close the back cover of Eternity Springs Novel you will feel refreshed and renewed by this charming town... where it is easy to believe in the miracles... of Eternity Springs!

Eternity Springs and the people in it have seen their fair share of heartache and it's nice to be able to catch up with all the people we know from previous books whose stories of sorrow, hope, love and second chances have already touched our hearts. The characters in these novels are warm and real and the town is in a beautiful setting. The story began to drag just the tiniest bit in the middle and I wish the last scene had played out a little longer but all in all, March comes through with another tender romance making fans eager to read the next book in the series immediately.

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