~~HOLY COW!! Top pick all the way!! Hell’s Phoenix is a MUST read. It is the 2’nd in Gracen Miller’s Road to Hell series…. And yes you really do need to read the first book first. Pandora’s Box comes first and that is where she lets us know who her characters are and gives us an inkling of their myriad powers, but don’t think you are going to be bored with details, cause Gracen just doesn’t roll that way. I was hooked from page 1. Pandora is where I fell for Madison, Phoenix, Amos, Zen and Micah… well you will probably fall for each of the other characters as well but, hey everyone needs their favorites… just don’t expect to choose only one. Once I finished Pandora’s Box I didn’t even pretend to put my E-reader down, there just was no waiting for Hell‘s Phoenix! Pandora had a little steam and a lot of teasing, but Gracen definitely kicked up the heat several notches in Hell’s Phoenix. I’m lucky my tablet didn’t fog over ;) Another thing I didn’t expect was to root for the bad guy some, I mean who really roots for the bad guy? But then again Micah is not your ordinary bad guy, he is a fallen Angel and totally and utterly hawt!

~~So, in Hell’s Phoenix Madison has to come up with a plan to rescue Phoenix from Hell and Micah’s evil grasp…even knowing that Nix has fallen from grace, and has been doing Micah’s bidding. Believe me when I say, Micah’s hell is not somewhere you want to be. It is gross and creepy, definitely a 10 for eew factor. Of course nothing goes as planned….and when does it ever? Fortunately for us Mad’s won’t let a few...several...setbacks get in the way of saving Nix and returning him to his family and friends. Getting herself out of Hell presents a bit more of a problem. So it’s a good thing she has friends in high places, cause she is definitely going to need them. I don’t want give away much of what is in Hell’s Phoenix as it will spoil some of the things that happen in book 1- Pandora’s Box. I promise that if you pick up The Road to Hell series you won’t put it down again. Then you will go on face book and beg Gracen to hurry up with the next book already!!
Check out the first three chapters of Hell’s Phoenix by clicking on the link below, or copy and paste it to you browser address bar~http://madisonroadtohell.blogspot.com/p/hells-phoenix-3-chapters.html
As a bonus I will include the link for the first three chapters of Pandora’s Box as well~
You can check out the fabulously naughty Gracen Miller at the link below, but you have to be at least 18 years old~
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