Review By Sara
May 23, 2012
"Let me just say I am (im)patiently awaiting the next installment. I loved this story. I loved how Ms. Danann didn't make this story into an instant love, it progressed over time. It was a wonderfully intriguing romance with it's own twist on the paranormal world and I loved every page."
The Witch's Dream (Order of the Black Swan Book Two)
Review By Sara
October 25 2012
"The Witch's Dream was different than what I've read before in the sense that it started right where 'My Familiar Stranger' left off. There wasn't any real big time lapse in the story, which in a way was great. We meet some new characters, see more of Ram and Elora and got to know the main characters better. The only thing that was off for me was the fact that I didn't feel that we got enough story about Storm and Litha, which I thought the book was about. But I'm going to assume that since this book picked up right where Book One left off, that in book 3 we will read more about their love story. All and all it was a great story and I can't wait til book three. Victoria definitely has a way to pull you in and make you feel like your part of the family"
My Familiar Stranger Synopsis
A secret society, hot guys, and vampires come together for a once in a lifetime adventure and a once in a lifetime opportunity proving that true love can find you in the strangest places, even far, far from home.
The Witch's Dream Synopsis
From New York to Ireland to Edinburgh to Siena to the Texas Hill Country to Napa Valley, a secret society, a witch, a demon, a psychic, a berserker, an ex-vampire, modern day knights, heroes, werewolves, elves and fae come together where emotions intersect. The story maps a trail from rages to epiphanies, but, in the end, proves that true love can find you in the strangest places, when you're least expecting it, even when you're far, far from home.
The Summoner's Tale Book Three Release Date February 14, 2013
A secret society, a witch, a psychic, vampires, modern day knights, heroes, elves, fae, assassins from another dimension, and fairytales come together where emotions intersect. Two souls, joined by a mystical bond, separated by distance, must simultaneously struggle through pain and darkness in an ultimate confrontation with character and an ultimate struggle for life proving that true love waits patiently through lifetimes and finds courage to survive. Even in the strangest places. Even when you're least expecting it. Even when you're far, far from home.
Interview Time!!!Yay!!
1.When did you start writing and what was the first thing you wrote?
I was eight-years-old when I started writing "Bobbsey Twins" novels. I didn't write in adolescence because boys were more fun. In my mid twenties I wrote a PNR manuscript and showed it to my husband. After hearing what he had to say I literally didn't write again for decades. I didn't understand then that he is the polar opposite of my audience. That's the bad news. The good news is that I waited to publish until I actually had something to say.
2.Where do you get your ideas on what you write and what about that fascinated you?
No idea where ideas come from. I was an only child in an age before electronic entertainment so I used to spend time in the back seat making up little stories about perfect love. I guess those stories just became a little more earthy and sophisticated as I grew my understanding of how the sexes fit and misfit each other.
3.Have you ever been so engrossed in writing a book that you have gone out in public wearing your PJs?
3.Have you ever been so engrossed in writing a book that you have gone out in public wearing your PJs?
4.Can you tell us about any challenges you met getting your first book published?
I started down the traditional path. Then, when I realized that New York publishers are still moving as slowly as messaging by monk leading donkey village to village, I also realized I'm too old to wait that long. (Not to mention the fact that I'm not that patient to begin with.)
Enter electronic reading and Indie publishing. Ta-da! And it just so happens that I own a successful publishing company. Granted, it doesn't publish fiction, but it has taught me a lot of things about marketing and work-arounds. So I joined the ranks of Indies who are very close to snatching the scepter away from the big publishing houses. Yay us.
5.What has been the toughest criticism/best compliment given to you as an author?
5.What has been the toughest criticism/best compliment given to you as an author?
I've been blessed with lots of great reviews. I wouldn't be surprised if my performance on Amazon didn't set a record for a first book of an unknown Indie author. Out of nearly 200 combined reviews, I think the best review I ever got was one word - and written by a guy of all things! It simply said, "Enthralled!" It was a close second to another that simply said, "Awesome."
On the other end, I'm going to cite my worst review here for the first time. I know I can't please everybody and I know I can be as sensitive as you would expect an author who writes about intense emotion to be. But even I had to laugh out loud at this one. The only thing that worries me is that "4" people found it "helpful". Good grief. Really? This same person would very likely tell you that somebody should have snatched Shakespeare's quill before he had a chance to get carried away.
2.0 out of 5 stars Very poor writing and character development, July 8, 2012
6. We all know that erotic romance is on the rise due to the explicit content, do you have any personal quirks that help you write the intimate scenes?
No, but I train for them by looking at a healthy dose of "man candy".
7. What’s your favorite love scene(s)
7. What’s your favorite love scene(s)
I can't reveal my favorite love scene without spoiling. Sorry.
8. Tea or Coffee
8. Tea or Coffee
Tea totaller.
9. Anything you wanna say to the readers?
Mark Coker of Smashwords says that these are the Gold Rush days of self or Indie publishing. I know there's A LOT out there. Thank you for giving my books a chance in the sea of possibilities. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
About Victoria
For the past thirteen years, Victoria has illustrated and authored Seasons of the Witch calendars and planners.
Though works of fiction are a departure for her, she has had this series simmering on the back burner of her mind for years. She owns 7th House Publishing and has authored and illustrating Seasons of the Witch for the past thirteen years. She is a Classic Rock music utility player which means she plays keys, rhythm guitar and sings back up or leads. She also manages one of Houston's premier R&B/ Variety/ Pop bands. One of their songs is featured in the Book Trailer of Book One, My Familiar Stranger.
This series includes some of her actual experience in the paranormal with fictionalized anecdotes from her journals during the years when she was a practicing "metaphysician", but most of the material is fantasy - of course.
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Love Victoria!