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Friday, October 17, 2014

Release: One in a Million by Jill Shalvis

One in a Million

 By the time Tanner grabbed the empty chair and pulled it  out  for  himself,  Callies  heart  was  knocking  hard against her ribs in panic.
And okay, a little bit of lust as well. Or, you know, a lot. In checking up on her grandma, shed been through Lu- cilles social media pages. Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter… and shed inadvertently learned a lot about Lucky Harbors
One in particular.
Tanner Riggs was Lucky Harbors current most popular bachelor. Actually, Lucille had called him the Last Hot Sin- gle Guy for Two Hundred Miles. Callie wondered if he knew. Not that she was going to be the one to tell him if he didnt.
“Real pants today,Tanner noted. “I like the boots.” Shed argued with herself earlier when shed gotten
out of the shower and stared into her closet. Yoga pants or jeans? Dont care or care?
Turned out she cared. Hence the jeans.
And the boots. “Theyre my kick-ass boots,” she said.

He smiled and she forgot how to breathe. Just plain forgot.
You plan on kicking any ass today?” he asked.
Too early to tell,” she responded. Look at her, all smooth and cool. “But I wanted the odds balanced in my favor if anything comes up.
“I like the way you think.” He straightened out his leg, letting out a long, careful exhale as he did.
You okay?” she asked quietly.
Yes.” He drank deeply of his coffee and her gaze was drawn to his throat as he swallowed.
And then his broad chest. And flat abs.
And the way his jeans—faded and threadbare in some of the good spots—fit him. Which was perfectly. “I meant your leg,” she said.
“Its fine.” “Huh,” she said.
He slid her a look. “Huh what?”
Well, its just that ‘its fine’ is a typical guy response. Men tend to use ‘fine’ as a catchall.
A catchall.
Yeah,” she said. “You know, a noun, adjective, ad- verb, whatever. Tell me the truth—your leg could be literally falling off and youd still say it was fine, right?”
“Nah,” he said. “When it was actually threatening to fall off, I was most definitely not fine.
Her smile faded and she regretted her flippancy. “I’m sorry.
He shrugged. “Shit happens. You were saving me a seat,” he said, back to teasing.
“No,” she said in automatic denial. “I—”

He flashed her a knowing grin that was so innately Tanner-Riggs-of-the-Past—all cocky, popular football star, aka the guy shed never been able to say two words to without tripping over her own tongue—that she once again found herself momentarily tongue-tied.
“What are you working on?” he asked, gesturing to her laptop. “Ordering a litter? Designing three-D wedding in- vitations?”
“Both,” she managed to say in what she hoped was a perfectly normal voice.
Because you are perfectly normal, she reminded her- self. You are not just a computer geek. You are so much more. You…ah, hell. She couldnt think of a single thing when he was looking at her like that, like maybe she was amusing him again.
Your job suits you,” he said. “What does that mean?”
You have this sort of…” He waved his cup at her. “Dreamy, romantic air about you.
She let out a low laugh and he set his cup down, sitting forward, at attention. You going to start choking again?” he asked.
“No, she assured him. Or she hoped not anyway. And its not a romantic job. Its a technical job.
“How are hearts and flowers and chariots technical?”
he asked.
“Okay,” she conceded. “Maybe its romantic for a minute or two, if you believe in that sort of thing.
And you dont?” he asked.
“My job is to create the right setting to culminate their romance,” she said, trying to explain her job. “Thats all I can do. I cant guarantee a happy ending.

He grinned.
“Not that kind of a happy ending!” she said, and laughed in spite of herself. “The stats are completely against a real happily-ever-after, not that anyone wants to think about it while planning their wedding. Which means that should really be called But I doubt Id be able to make a living with that.
“Huh, Tanner said, cocking his head as he studied her. “Didnt see that coming.
Youre a cynic.” He gestured at her with his cup. All wrapped up in a sweet, warm package.
He thought she was sweet and warm.
Dont get excited, a little voice inside her warned. He also thought you were cute. Like a puppy. And he doesnt remember who you are. “I earned the cynicism, she said.
“Someone break your heart?”
He didnt say this with a mocking inflection. Nor did he sound like he was pitying her. She looked into his eyes— those hot-as-hell eyes—and saw that he was just genuinely curious. Which was the only reason she answered him. “Yes, actually, she said. “But it was my own fault.
“Hows that?”
His voice was low and a bit morning gruff, and she found herself staring at his mouth. “Thats a little bit per- sonal, dont you think?” she asked, her own voice low, too, but not because it was morning.
It was more because he was turning her on with little to no effort.
He leaned in and smiled. “You dont want to get per- sonal with me?”

Her breath caught. Her pulse skipped another beat. Or a hundred. And there were other reactions, too, things that really shouldnt be happening in public. But once upon a time shed dreamed about him wanting her. Shed even gone as far as to send him a secret Valentine, one of those anonymous lollypops with a heart that you paid a dollar to the student body fund for and then it was delivered to the recipients homeroom class in front of everyone.
Except Callie hadnt sent hers anonymously. Shed signed her name.
And hed never said a word about it.
And suddenly that bugged the crap out of her. Love sucked. Romance sucked. And even if that hadnt been true, there was no way she was going to admit her failures out loud to a guy she didnt really know. She shook her head. No, she didnt want to get personal.
You really dont believe in love?” he asked.
Did he think she was just being coy? “Lets just say that I know that love isnt enough, she said. And I’m not interested in it. Not for myself. She knew this without a shadow of a doubt. After all, shed had the perfect guy and the perfect life, and had planned the huge wedding to celebrate it—and itd ended with her heart crushed.
Nope. Love was not enough. Not by a long shot. Tanner startled her by running a finger along her temple,
tucking a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. A definite cynic, he said softly, meeting her gaze. I like it.
You do?”
“Not exactly a romantic myself,” he said, and leaned back. And no disrespect to your work, but I think love was something made up by Hallmark for Valentines Day and…well, wedding websites.

She laughed. Touché. “So I guess you think Valen- tines Day cards are pretty dumb, too. Even if, say, you got one from a girl who had a crush on you. She held her breath for a beat, and then someone bumped into him from behind and the moment was broken.
The cute brunette whod done the bumping sent a big smile Tanners way. “Sorry,” she said breathlessly. “My fault. Let me buy you a coffee to make up for it.
Tanner lifted his coffee. Already taken care of.
The woman looked disappointed but moved on and Tanner turned back to Callie. “Sorry, what were we talk- ing about?”
Well, shed been about to admit that shed once sent him a Valentines Day card, which meant shed also be admitting to her painful crush.
And that would lead to him saying out loud that he didnt remember her. So she was eternally grateful theyd been interrupted. “We were discussing you being a cynic too,” she said. “Youre not…involved.
“No,” he said. “I was married once, for about ten min- utes.
She knew all about him and Elisa. Itd been the talk of the town back then. “It didnt work out?”
His laugh was mirthless. “No. I got beat all to shit.
So she did have something in common with this big, built, tough, gorgeous man. “I’m sorry.
“It was a long time ago, he said. And I did get some- thing really great out of it. My son, Troy. But its not anything Id repeat.
She understood that. She lifted her coffee and touched it to his in a toast, acknowledging that they were in per- fect sync on this sentiment.

“If it makes you feel better, she said, “I got all the way to the altar before I got beat to shit. Didnt actually say the I dos but it was close enough to teach me that happily-ever-afters are for fiction.” She smiled. “Dont tell anyone, though. Its not exactly good for business.
He didnt smile back. In fact, his gaze was dark and unreadable but also somehow…warm. Commiserating without pity. Your secrets safe with me, he finally said softly, and they finished their coffee in comfortable si- lence.
Well, Tanner was comfortable anyway, at least going by his kick-back, sprawled posture in the chair.
Callie, not so much. She was wishing that she believed what shed said about not wanting romance for herself be- cause as she watched him, while pretending not to, she found herself aching just a little bit.
Damn, she really wished he remembered her. “Gotta get back to work,” he said and rose.
“Right,” she said. “Me too.” She slipped her laptop back into her bag. Then she stood up and…knocked over her coffee.
Tanner grabbed a stack of napkins and efficiently cleaned up the mess in about three seconds, during which time Callie ordered herself to get a grip. “Sorry, she said.
He shook his head. “No need.
Good. Great. No need for her to be sorry that she was an idiot. A clumsy idiot. She gathered the rest of her things, trying to keep her hands busy.
And her brain.
Just get out the door without further incident, she told herself. But Tanner was standing close, looking down at her, his dark, dark eyes holding hers prisoner.

“What?” she whispered.
Again he ran a finger along her temple, letting the touch linger. “I’m sorry I never thanked you for that Valentine,” he said quietly. “I should have.
And then he was gone. 



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